Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Totally True Tuesday - Guess Who?

I have bright yellow and green patterns on my shell and body. I can live in fresh or brackish (partly salted) water and I’m commonly found in ponds and river beds. I love to bask in the sun on rocks and logs. When I get too warm, I plunge into the water and use my webbed toes for swimming, and my claws for climbing. Often times my type is found in pet stores.

Who am I?

A Slider Terrapin. If I had jaunty red stripes along my face I’d be a Red-Eared Slider.

Do you know someone who keeps a terrapin as a pet?

Are You a Turtle?

Like a sturdy truck, I’m built for the rugged terrain and live strictly on land. I have thick, stumpy legs and claws that help propel me forward and dig deep holes. Plus, I prefer veggies to meat and am purely vegetarian.

Who Am I?

A Tortoise


~ the Gopher Tortoise is able to dig underground tunnels over 40 feet long and 10 feet deep.

~ the Galapagos Giant Tortoise can weigh in at well over 400 pounds. Plus, its shell can get to be five feet long and 3 feet high.

True Turtles

Sea turtles live exclusively in the ocean waters. The only time they come ashore is to lay their eggs on a sandy beach. Unlike terrapins, their front legs are more like flippers. This enables them to swim and dive in the water.

Turtle Facts

the Leatherback Turtle is the biggest sea turtle. It measures 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. Its average weight is 880 pounds, with the biggest one weighing in at 2015 pounds. How can he get so big? This turtle’s diet consists mainly of jellyfish.

~ the Stinkpot Turtle gives off a powerful skunk-like odour when it feels danger is near. So don’t try to pick this guy up or you’ll be a stinkpot too!

~ there’s actually around 300 different species of turtles, tortoises and terrapins. So the next time you see an animal that wears a shell, ask yourself…is this really a turtle?


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